Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Amanda Nguyen

Amanda Nguyen (1991 -     )
Vietnamese-American founder and CEO of
Rise, an NGO civil rights organization;
author of the federal Survivors' Bill of Rights Act of 2016
establishing statutory rights for sexual assault survivors,
particularly in regard to rape kits;
will be the first Southeast Asian woman to fly to space
as a Blue Origin astronaut.


  1. I cannot thank you enough for continuing to bring me woman I need to learn more about. Every day, you send me to the Google machine to do more research. I found the beautiful Shepard Fairey portrait of Nyugen on Asian American News. I hope everyone enjoys the portrait and the website:

    1. @ Cleora Borealis -- We owe our thanks to Leanna who nominated Amanda Nguyen for this blog. I had to learn about her too! I found the Shepard Fairey portrait too and wanted to use it for this post, but could not download it because it is protected from such unauthorized use. I agree -- it's gorgeous!

  2. Oh, I'm gonna have to learn more about her.


  3. Such a worthy addition to your list! Ms Nguyen is changing the world for the better - we need more people like her!
