Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sarah McBride

Sarah McBride (1990 -     )
American longtime political and trans activist;
first openly transgender member of the United States Congress (1925).


  1. She's very brave.
    And she's very civil. I would have brought a bazooka to work and blown away those MAGAts.


  2. Over the years I've had my struggles with gender dysphoria and for a variety of reasons have decided to remain as I am, but I nonetheless have great admiration for somebody who does decide to transition, and then to transition and run for public office, well, my admiration for Ms. McBride knows no bounds.

    1. @ Kirk -- I think it's one of the most profound journeys anyone can make, as well as being a deeply spiritual journey, not in the sense of religion, but in the sense of the human spirit.

  3. Sending up a plea to the Goddess for her continued safety. I love how she handles the haters. What strength.
